Unsuck API Integrations

DKSS by Cookielab, 1. 10. 2021
Jan Vlnas, Superface Speakers notes go here.
Developer advocate
API integrations? 🤔
Send email
Track parcel
Get weather
Fetch ad metrics
Send event to analytics
3rd parties
Internal APIs
3rd parties
Internal APIs
API integrations suck
API integrations suck? ✋ Raise your hand if you agree
Why they suck?
(rant ahead)
Discovery sucks
Is it cheap?
Is it easy?
Is it reliable?
Too many options
Documentation sucks
I want to list repositories
Doesn't solve my problem Great your API is restful
Functionality sucks
Docs don't reflect reality
Interactive examples I'd rather call the API than to trust the documentation
Maintenance sucks APIs evolve even if your use-case remains the same.
Outages suck
liability Maybe it works for now, but it may come later and bite you.
Machine to
machine communication
Machine to
machine communication
is fiction
🧑🏾‍💻 build API
🧑🏼‍💻 write docs

👩🏻‍💻 read docs
👩🏻‍💻 write integration
Humans to
humans communication
via docs
What can we do about it?
More tooling?
Curing symptoms, not disease
(sales pitch ahead)
Use-cases not HTTP calls
Think Send Email
not POST /email
Use-cases not providers Think what happens if your provider is down.
Direct calls not proxies
iPaaS Do you know this acronym? Integration Platform as a service.
They usually harmonize data inside their service. What if the integration platform goes down?
iPaaS Superface is not it. The calls go directly to providers. If Superface services go down, it doesn't break running apps. Also, we don't need to handle your sensitive information.
not hardcoding
Handle API changes without redeploy
Universal client not custom ones At this moment some developer somewhere is implementing a bespoke client for an API
How does it work?
Where are we heading?
Self-integrating apps
API Keys management
Capabilities marketplace
Universe of capabilities